
SER International Primer on Ecological Restoration
This document, developed by the Society for Ecological Restoration, is freely available online.
The Primer includes a definition of ecological restoration, attributes of restored ecosystems, planning, monitoring and evaluation, and the relationship between restoration practice, restoration ecology and other activities, and integration into larger programs.
The Primer is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Chinese

SER Australasia is now able to also provide:

Standards for Ecological Restoration

SERA has published National Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in Australia. 
This project has been developed in collaboration with twelve NGO partners involved in restoration in Australia and has involved extensive review and consultation with and a wide range of key agency and industry stakeholders. Read more....

Guidelines for Developing and Managing Ecological Restoration Projects 

This document, also developed by the Society for Ecological Restoration, is freely available online. It follows on from the Primer by describing the procedures for conducting ecological restoration. This document is currently available in English, Portuguese and Italian.


The inaugural issue of Restore (1.3 MB) April 2016 edition is brought to you by The Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia. Restore is a free e-newsletter that provides an insight into what’s happening in the ecological restoration and rehabilitation community around the world and is likely to be of interest to restoration practitioners across Australasia.

Other Publications

The Society for Ecological Restoration produces its own bi-monthly journal, Restoration Ecology, that members can subscribe to on registration. Special discounts are available to members on some other publications. Please visit for more details. 
Information on becoming a member and affiliating with the Australasian Chapter is available at