The presentations at the plenary and sessions were recodred by UQ, and video file made available to the conference organiser. In this page the recordings of each session is presented. Presentations by speakers that have not given permission have been edited out. Unfortunatly some presentations are cut short, because they exceeded the 1:30 hours recoding time allocated for each session. In a few cases at time audio can be very low, because not all speakers, or audience, have used microphones. The sessions are presented in cronological order.




Ecological Restoration Practice in the Big Scrub in North-East NSW

Riparian and Coastal Wetland Restoration

The Multidisciplinary Aspects of Successful Mine Site Rehabilitation

Novel Techniques and Applications for Restoration Monitoring

Social Dimensions of Restoration

Aquatic Systems Restoration

Soil and Soil Biota

Mine Site Restoration Monitoring

Social Dimensions of Restoration and Science Communication